Latest Past Events

Lunch Lecture Neways – Challenges to be solved in Medical Hardware Engineering

On the 4th of May during the break, from 12h30 until 13h30, Neways will host a lunch lecture to tell you everything about their company. The lecture will take place via MS Teams. Neways Technologies solves customer challenges in a number of industry domains, specifically also in medical devices. They make available embedded systems designs

Care & Cure Science Café

Subscribe now for the next edition of the Center for Care & Cure Technology (C3Te) bimonthly Science Café. Due to the Corona situation the Care & Cure Science Café will be in the form of a webinar (participants will receive the MS Teams link on the day of the webinar). European Training Network on Electromagnetic

Lunch Lecture Adimec

On the 11th of Febuary, MA Eir will host an online lecture from Adimec! Adimec develops and produces cameras and lens assemblies that deliver true accurate images – the exact information in the scene – for precise decision making in time critical processes. By offering modifications and customizations, Adimec cameras excel beyond general purpose products