Latest Past Events

Eir Lunch – 14 Febuary 2020

Enjoy a healthy lunch with other Eir members! If you want to come, please let us know by registering. 


Eir Template Contest

Are you good with indesign? Are you a creative engineer? Do you like beer? Create a new template for Posters/Flyers/contact cards for Eir. If we like your design best you will win a Beer card for the Walhalla!   Deadline: 1st February

Functional MRI @Kempenhaeghe 2020

Eir has gotten the unique opportunity to see an fMRI scanner in action and we would like to invite our members to join us to experience this! This is a great opportunity to learn more about fMRI applications as well as see how research in this field is done. It takes place on the 13th