9th GMM of M.A. EIR

Dear Member,

This meeting will take place on the 28th of September and will start at 12:30. In this GMM we will have a change of boards of M.A. EIR. This GMM and expect to be done by 13:30.
The GMM will take place in Cascade 2.10

The agenda is stated below.

Agenda – September 28, 2023

  1. Opening
  2. Determining agenda
  3. Mail in/out
  4. Announcements
  5. Minutes 6th GMM
  6. Minutes 7th GMM
  7. Minutes 8th GMM
  8. Financial result 2022/2023 + budget 2023/2024
  9. Election Board 2023/2024
  10. Discharge Board 2022/2023 + installation 2023/2024
  11. Any other business
  12. Invitation for questions
  13. Closing

Demcon Lunch Lecture – subscribe

We will organize a lunch lecture on the 23rd of March, provided by Demcon. This presentation is about their Medical Devices department. In this department, they develop and realise medical systems for care, cure and selfcare. Applications are i.e. in  surgery, therapy and diagnostics. Examples are a operation system for eye surgery, a handscanner for rheumatoid arthritis, a breath module and a hearing aid. The presentation will be given by Jos Dijkshoorn (senior electronics engineer).  They will tell you all the ins-and-outs about Demcon Medical Robotics.

*Non-Eirmembers have to pay € 5 euro for the lunch

Lunch lecture Sveta Zinger – subscribe

On the 10th of January There will be an lunch lecture given by Sveta Zinger.
She will give a lecture about her research in the medical field.
There will be free lunch for people who subscribe for this lunch lecture.

*Non-Eirmembers have to pay € 5 euro for the lunch

Members lunch – 16th of November

Let’s gather once again to have lunch together. There will be sandwiches and drinks prepared for Eir members. We will see you there!!

Demcon Lunch lecture – subscribe

We will organise a lunch lecture on the 21th of March, provided by Demcon. This presentation is about their Medical Devices department. In this department they develop and realise medical systems for care, cure and selfcare. Applications are i.e. in  surgery, therapy and diagnostics. Examples are a operation system for eye surgery, a handscanner for rheumatoid arthritis, a breath module and a hearing aid. The presentation will be given by a former Thor board member Bram Witteman. They will tell you all the ins-and-outs about Demcon Medical Robotics.

*Non-Eirmembers have to pay € 5 euro for the lunch