Demcon Pub Lecture 2019

We will organise a pub lecture on the 30th of September, provided by Demcon. This presentation is about their Medical Devices department. In this department they develop and realise medical systems for care, cure and selfcare. Applications are i.e. in  surgery, therapy and diagnostics. Examples are a operation system for eye surgery, a handscanner for

3rd GMM

Agenda: Opening Vaststellen definitieve agenda Post In/Uit Mededelingen Goedkeuren notulen afgelopen ALV Afrekening en begroting 2018/2019 + 2019/2020 Verkiezing Bestuur Decharge Jasper en Rowanne + Installatie nieuw Bestuur W.v.t.t.k. Rondvraag Sluiting If you would like a printed version of the GMM documents, please register.

Beneficiary Drink Q2 2019

All members are invited for a drink, where our beneficiaries will attend. They can tell you everything about the Care & Cure field, and their working experiences. Join us!

Functional MRI @Kempenhaeghe 2020

Eir has gotten the unique opportunity to see an fMRI scanner in action and we would like to invite our members to join us to experience this! This is a great opportunity to learn more about fMRI applications as well as see how research in this field is done. It takes place on the 13th

Eir Template Contest

Are you good with indesign? Are you a creative engineer? Do you like beer? Create a new template for Posters/Flyers/contact cards for Eir. If we like your design best you will win a Beer card for the Walhalla!   Deadline: 1st February

Eir Lunch – 14 Febuary 2020

Enjoy a healthy lunch with other Eir members! If you want to come, please let us know by registering. 
